Monday, 23 January 2012

Weetabix Muffins

If you've been reading for a while you will know that I am a sucker for a good muffin, especially one with a lovely rounded top.  My "plan" to bake muffins on the weekend, stick them in the freezer and then eat at my leisure has not entirely gone to plan.  I only have myself to blame...I've been lazy in the muffin department and it is purely down to getting back into making bread.  While I wish that I could multi-task or spend all day in the kitchen baking...someone (ahem) says I have to work (spoil sport)...and so the muffins have been tossed aside. 

Until...enter my new baking book, which needs no introduction, and the totally fantastic recipe for Weetabix muffins.  The ingredient list promised me a healthy muffin jam-packed with flavour and it didn't disappoint.  

These muffins are fantastic.  They are moist, totally scrummy and the mixture of Weetabix and rye flour gives them a really distinct taste.  I managed to squeeze a dozen out of the mix (recipe says makes 9) but perhaps my muffin tins are smaller (inconceivable)...the only criticism...they didn't rise as much as I would have liked.  I was surprised considering the recipe called for 1.5 tsp of baking powder and the same of baking soda...but it must have something to do with the rye flour and the youghurt...or something.

Make'll be amazed.


  1. they look yummy --- and you can feel "saintly" about eating them in the morning!!!

    i'm going to make the "boozy brownies" this week -- cause yours looked so appetizing...


  2. Are these from Dan Lepard? I made these and I thought they were awful. Could really taste the baking soda. But yours do look pretty and reminds me I have some yummy muffins hidden in the depths of my freezer! Woo hoo!

  3. mummi-ji...yumyum!!

    Dom..can't taste the baking soda...but i did mix them more than suggested. I am also a muffin master! xx ooo enjoy your freezer muffins!

  4. I love a good healthy muffin. Its good that they are on the smaller size and not the super sized ones you get at the market. These look delicious.

  5. I have to restock my freezer with muffins this week, if I go more than a couple of mornings without one, I start to go through withdrawal. These look interesting, I've never used rye flour. But I'm not sure I can get Weetabix here.

  6. weetabix in muffins?? that's definitely a first for me! they do look gorgeous though! love that well-rounded muffin top too!

  7. Bit odd that someone should claim he's made this recipe but didn't know it was a Dan Lepard one - I wonder if he made something else ? Dan Lepard's name is pretty clear on his Guardian web pages.
