Sunday 27 May 2012

a farewell visit to lovecrumbs

Yesterday I met fellow Cake Lady (and Canadian) Sophia at the über kool lovecrumbs for a cake and a chat before she packs her bags and heads home to back and beyond British Columbia.  I was super excited to be meeting at lovecrumbs, since Sophia hadn't been before, and also...cause I seriously love their cakes and the whole atmosphere in the shop.  

A quick tweet out and we were joined by a couple other Cake Ladies and then another with a friend who just happened to be popping in off the recommendation of a Cake Lady (do you follow?).  Sophia and I were early so we undertook a "cake with a view" photoshoot (check out her website linked above) on the windiest corner in Edinburgh, and nearby some dodgy strip clubs, before sitting down and getting down to the cakey business. 

Sophia (and almost all those who joined us) had a tall slice of white chocolate and blueberry triple layered cake...let's just say that it was a complete cake when we arrived and it was finished by time we left.  It was tasty.  We sat around a gorgeous round table and gabbed away. 

As expected it was a tough choice deciding on my cake.  I hummed and hawed and in the end opted for the first slice of a gorgeous looking chocolate ganache covered chocolate cake with pink peppercorns.  It looked so pretty I actually asked the lady bakers if it would be ok to ask them to slice into it for me.  It wasn't a problem, the first slice is one of their favourite things to do! 

I'm not a huge chocolate cake lover, I really can take it or leave it.  The combination of the chocolate with the pink peppercorns is what called me to it (that and it looked absolutely gorgeous).  Somewhat out of character I took my time eating this cake (I know...something must be wrong with me...I blame the heat) and I am glad that I did.  The pink peppercorns were a lovely addition...spicy and warming.  Definitely a hit! 

Two sticky thumbs up for lovecrumbs. A lovely way to spend a hot Saturday afternoon bidding farewell to a new friend. 


  1. I love this post! Capturing all the things I wasn't able to fit into my ramblings. A grand last cakey adventure it was. :)

  2. I love your photos, they really do the deliciousness full justice! :)
