Thursday, 4 August 2011

Tasty Taters...a not so quick light supper

Wednesdays after work David plays football with his new friends from dinner is delayed and after running around for 90 mins he doesn't really want much more than a quick bite.  On nights like that I like to find something that isn't too filling but not necessarily quick to make...seeing as I have an extra two hours to make dinner and often more time on my hands than I can bare!   

Last night I made my version of something my MIL makes...that I love! Stuffed baked potatoes...yum yum!

These are by no means quick...they took an hour and a half to make...but, they are super easy and super lazy.  Just pop the taters in the oven and leave to bake for about an hour or so until super soft (nothing worse than half cooked middle tater) and then scoop out the inside...mash it up really good and add in whatever you want! Last night we had red pepper, spring onion and goats cheese.  I brush a little bit of oil over the top of the taters just to make sure they crisp up...and pop them under the grill! 

A perfect and light dinner taking up just enough time to keep me busy until David came home.  


  1. I devoured a really, really good stuffed potato at a cafe a couple of weeks ago and keep meaning to do them at home - this is great inspiration. Thanks for all your comments lately, am enjoying catching up on your posts and mentally bookmarking that banana loaf AND the naan. Mmmm, naaaaan!
    Have a great weekend!

  2. My Favourite too xxxx

  3. I love reading about the food you cook in Scotland because it's getting me ready for fall! Still too hot here for twice cooked potatoes, but soon...soon.

  4. Oh yum - my Mum used to make us these when we were kids with bacon, onion and cheese and I can't remember the last time I had one. Your goats cheese and pepper sounds fabulous, and a wee bit more sophisticated as well! ;-)


  5. Just sound perfect, if I was David I'd be skipping the football to get home for supper:-)

  6. The Kitchen Maid...thanks for your comments! There is something magical about a stuffed potato... :)

    Cherry...I know! thanks for the inspiration :) x

    Sue...It will be fall before you know it (and I will be huddling around my oven for warmth):)

    Seren...I had been tempted to put some ham in...but am trying really hard to stick to my 5 veggie meals a week. I reckon these didn't have too many points ;)

    A Trifle...I think it might be all the meals that are driving David to go play football!! :)
