Wednesday 6 October 2010

Nectarine and Plum Crumble for a rather warm evening...

Ok...not that I was to make people jealous but...Carol on BBC Breakfast has got my hopes way way way way up....apparently it is going to be 23 degrees by Saturday!! What the squuuueeeeeeppppp?? October? 23 degrees???

Well....despite the impending heat was somewhat wet and miserable today (although mild) which can mean only one thing....TIME TO BAKE! So, I don't know what my deal is with nectarines, but the last few times I have bought them they haven't softened...but have totally wrinkled up....ewww...nothing to do with them but toss them into a crumble!

3 or 4 nectarines and a few victoria plums sliced up and tossed in white sugar, popped into a gorgeous enamel baking dish and topped with crumble mixture.  Now, normally I would make my topping from oats, flour, sugar and butter...but for some reason today I had half a package of ready-made dry crumble topping, which I just added some butter to.  The mixture felt really grainy as I was rubbing the butter in, so I had a good look at the package and it turns out this particular brand uses flour, oats, breadcrumbs, salt and sugar...breadcrumbs?? weird....


  1. That's what i did with my nectarines!! crumble looks yummy - love the dish too !!

  2. oh I love a mixed fruit crumble... simply divine!

  3. but how did it taste???? Could you tell that there were breadcrumbs in it????


  4. cherry...mmmmmmmm crumble...what is it with nectarines and not ripening properly?

    Dom...such a simple dessert but oh so satisfying! know...i couldn't tell there were breadcrumbs in it! not enough oats in my opinion though x
