Sunday, 18 March 2012

My first proper Supper Club experience

March has been one of those months where everything seems to happen at once.  It is almost like my social life went into hibernation over the winter and decided it was time to wake up now that the days are getting longer.  

Last night I attended my first proper supper club.  Supper clubs are as hot as pop-ups right now and judging by the popularity and flurry of frantic emails it takes to get tickets these new dining experiences are here to stay.  

I've been a bit nervous about going to a supper club.  I love the idea of really awesome and well thought out menus served up in someone's's the not knowing people bit that's freaked me out a bit.  I mean you go to a restaurant not knowing anyone but your dining companion, and other than the staring at fellow diners' plates you don't need to/aren't expected to interact.  But at a Supper Club it is like being invited along to the friend of a friend of a friend's house for a dinner party.  Interaction is part and parcel of the whole experience.  Luckily, last night I was in good company...those infamous Edinburgh Cake Ladies.  

I joined 18 other ladies at Kitchen Porter last night, run by Mark and Mary Porter, in a secret location in Edinburgh.  I was in good company, I was in good spirits and I was ready to eat!

Jerusalem Artichoke Soup 

Red Mullet on Fennel Puree 

Duo of Scottish Border Lam with mash

And for dessert Mark served up a deconstructed carrot cake.  I don't have a picture of it.  I was too busy eating it...and the half my neighbour couldn't finish...and the other small piece brought out as extras...2.5 pieces and didn't manage of picture.  Just before Mark served up dessert I wandered through into the kitchen to get my dessert beer...a Chocolate Porter...where Mark confessed that he was nervous serving up cake to Cake Ladies...but he needn't have worried.  It was spicy and moist and the carrot sorbet and candied carrots were wonderful.  

A great first supper club in my books! 


  1. What fun, I've never been to a supper club! That mullet on fennel puree sounds really good, I'm going to try something like it, although I don't think I can get mullet.

  2. Such fun. And what an amazing menu!

  3. ahahahah!!!!! that's my girl!!!....2.5 pieces of carrot cake....aunt sandi will be very proud...

